
高松青年会議所 会員研修委員会からのご案内です。

現在私たち会員研修委員会は2024 JCI ASPACアンコール大会に向けて、皆様に高松の魅力を伝えられるよう、鋭意準備を進めています。

Information from the Takamatsu Junior Chamber Membership Training Committee.

We, the Membership Training Committee, are currently working hard to prepare for the 2024 JCI ASPAC Encore Convention so that we can convey the charms of Takamatsu to everyone.




Today, I would like to introduce cypress from Kagawa.

Cypress is known as a high-quality wood not only for its durability, but also for its beautiful grain and wonderful fragrance. In Kagawa Prefecture, which has a warm climate and little rain throughout the year, cypress grows slowly over time, resulting in beautiful cypress wood with even grain and no distortion.




At the Takamatsu Junior Chamber International booth at Japan Night, we will be offering small prizes made from cypress grown in Kagawa Prefecture. We hope you enjoy the scent of cypress and the beauty of its wood grain.

In addition to cypress, we are continuing to prepare to introduce you to the many other charms of Takamatsu. We look forward to seeing you at the Takamatsu Junior Chamber International booth at Japan Night.

